Wednesday 13 January 2021

Viking Art


Viking Ships figurehead - front of longboat late 4th or early 5th Century (400-500AD)
Ship's figurehead of carved oak. The terminal is an animal head in the round, with gaping beak-like jaws and prominent teeth and eyes. Viking Ships Prow is in the British Museum

Ship Figurehead from the Oseberg Ship approx 800AD

They were their owners’ proudest possession, an essential part of a life of a Viking, and considered a treasure. Craftsmen decorated these ships with elegant elaborate head pieces. One of the most outstanding might be its figurehead. Often, the front of the ship was decorated with a carving of an animal head, perhaps a dragon or a snake, and designed to frighten the spirits of the land the Vikings were raiding. These carvings were put up when the ship was sailing in to land.

Viking Carving

Wood carvings on Urnes Church 1100AD

20th Century American wood carving inspired by or based on the Urnes Church carvings

Other things to look at

Viking Jewellery / Torcs (type of Jewellery Necklace

Also look up concept of Ouroboros

Celtic Art Animals 

Illuminated Letters from Book Of Kells 800 AD

Icelandic Illustraed Manuscript 1700AD

 Viking Helmets

Viking helmets found at Yarm and Gjermundbu