Wednesday 20 January 2021

Medieval Book Illustrations and Manuscript Illustrations Animals and Mythical Creatures


The camel in a medieval bestiary (England 2nd quarter of the 13th century)

The amphivena

Detail of a basilisk killing a man with its gaze and being attacked by a weasel 12th Century

Basilisk wearing a crown

The leucrota is somewhat confusingly described as having the rear parts of a stag, and the chest and legs of a lion, but with cloven hooves. Its most distinctive characteristic is its charming wide-mouthed grin, which stretches across its head. Its teeth are single, continuous pieces of bone, and it is capable of imitating the sound of a human voice.

Bestiary and Lapidary ('the Rochester Bestiary') 12th - 14th Century

Detail of a hell-mouth with three beasts, a devil and many souls inside


A Bonnacon, from Kongelige Bibliotek

Early drawing of a Crocodile

Luttrell Psalter, 14th century.