Monday, 22 February 2010

Check out her kitted motorbike too!! www.theresahoneywell.com
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Work Rest Play - Play Skating

website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrick_Avercamp
Work Rest Play Rene Green Printed Textiles
Work Rest Play Pieter De Hooch
More paintings by Pieter De Hooch http://www.abcgallery.com/H/hooch/hooch.html

Work Rest Play - Eating And Drinking in A Cafe

weblink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89douard_Manet
Work Rest Play - Rest / Play Visiting Zoo

Pietro Longhi Exhibition of a Rhino At Venice 1751
Pietro Longhi wikipedia webpage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Longhi
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Work Rest Play- Sculpture Duane Hanson
Work Rest Play - Work LS Lowry

Here is the original of the Coming From The Mill Painting by LS Lowry
Lowry webpage http://www.pamalam.co.uk/L%20S%20LAWRY.htm

Here is an artist copy done by Rolf Harris
Monday, 8 February 2010
Work Rest Play Factory Work

Laura Knight - Ruby Loftus screwing a breech ring 1943
Laura Knight website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Knight
Work Rest Play - Experiments Joseph Wright Of Derby

A travelling scientist is shown demonstrating the formation of a vacuum by withdrawing air from a flask containing a white cockatoo, though common birds like sparrows would normally have been used. Air pumps were developed in the 17th century and were relatively familiar by Wright's day. The artist's subject is not scientific invention, but a human drama in a night-time setting.The bird will die if the demonstrator continues to deprive it of oxygen, and Wright leaves us in doubt as to whether or not the cockatoo will be reprieved. The painting reveals a wide range of individual reactions, from the frightened children, through the reflective philosopher, the excited interest of the youth on the left, to the indifferent young lovers concerned only with each other. The figures are dramatically lit by a single candle, while in the window the moon appears. On the table in front of the candle is a glass containing a skull.
Monday, 25 January 2010

As the train beaded north, Moore saw people lying in the stations and mothers undressing their babies on the platform. For Moore, this subterranean scene of civilians seeking shelter from the bombing was a revelation. "Even the holes out of which the trains were coming seemed to me to be like the holes in my sculpture,' he later wrote. "...There was tension in the air. [People] were a bit like the chorus in a Greek drama telling us about the violence we don't actually witness."

Moore often spent the entire night below ground. At dawn he returned to his studio where he committed to paper what he had seen. He drew on cheap notebooks with pen and ink, crayon and watercolor. Of the shelter drawings, Clark wrote that they"will, I am certain, always be considered the greatest works of art inspired by the war."
More (or should that be Moore) of his Air Raid Shelter sketches - http://www.henry-moore-fdn.co.uk/matrix_engine/content.php?page_id=3145
Henry Moore Foundation website - http://www.henry-moore-fdn.co.uk
Sunday, 24 January 2010
textiles inspired by Natural homes.

textiles inspired by Natural Homes

This piece is created by a batik and print artist called Robin Paris. All of her work is inspired by nature. www.robinparis.co.uk
Textiles inspired by Natural homes.

These are a series of nests created by a textile artist/ quilter from Canada called Kirsten Chursinoff. She has also created lots of pieces inspired by birds and other wildlife. www.chursinoff.com

These nests have been painted by Susan Hostetler. She has painted lots of birds as well as their nests. She is an eco artisit who works in mixed media. You can see lots of detial in the way the nests have been "woven" together by the birds. www.susanhostetler.com
textiles inspired by Natural Homes